I have updated our blog to date. I have not been very good about it. A lot going on...
Thinking back to this summer, my highlights, other than family and friends visiting, would be whale watching, see bears fighting and climbing trees, learning to process salmon, and seeing salmon spawn. We have learned so much and are excited to what we will learn in the future. Everyday can be an adventure. Just last week, there was an injured bear roaming about 1/2 mile from where we live. It had smelled a caribou carcus someone had field dressed in their yard. It charged a resident who happened to be an officer. He shot it. It was huge. Definitely glad it was not me. I really do not want to be in a position of opening the garage door and finding a bear in there. YIKES!! We do see moose, but never when we go looking for them.
Paul finished working in Cooper Landing the end of July. It is nice to have him home on a regular basis. Though it was great having a cabin on the lake to go to. He also like the change in the calls he received. He didn't get calls for dogs barking and little complaints. He has also been to Kodiak for training. We are trying to make plans to go back for fun. We can take a ferry in Homer to Kodiak, takes 12 hours. Of course faster to fly. He got a call about 2 weeks ago for a DUI in a bush village, Tyonek. He and another Trooper, chartered a flight. It took 25 minutes to get there. Tyonek is on the other side of Cook Inlet. Never a dull moment for an Alaska State Trooper.
The kids are enjoying having kids all around to play with. Hunter attended Cub Scout camp for a week back in June. He enjoyed it, but after a day or two he would have liked to come home. Abby learned to ride her bike without training wheels. She and the boys take off. Simon is our helper. He loved dip-netting with Paul and helping to cut off the fish heads. He is always wanting to help Paul remodel our bathroom. Olivia is very chatty. She has been carrying on conversations for a while now. She amazes me with how smart she is. Always keeps us on our toes.
Simon and Abby experienced the wonderful care of our local hospital. Both had bike accidents, at different times. Simon internal bleeding. Abby 5 stitches to her chin. Both are doing great.
We are settling into our new home and new schedule with school and activities. Never a dull moment!